ich habe zwei libaries heraus genommen
https://code.jquery.com/jquery 3.3.1.slim.min.js
A hero unit main section with content, a video background, and a button to gracefully scroll to the next section.
Design based on the Full Motion theme by Templated.co
These team portrait circles are grayscale until hover, and then they show the color and a tooltip with the team member s name and role.
The tooltips are based on Tippy and Popper.js, so they never go off the screen.
Simple, subtle, and effective
Based on HTML5 UP theme Spectral
Based on Templated theme Typify
Based on HTML5 UP theme Solid State
https://html5up.net/solid state/
A countdown of days, hours, minutes and seconds. Set the final date and let it count
Inspired by:
Based on a Pen by Katherine Kato
Die OrchestermitgliederName instrument mitglied seit Die Besetzung Violine 1 . NameBratsche 6 namen
https://www.staatsorchester hamburg.de/de/orchester/besetzung.php
Multiple blog post style sections that the user can click to open an overlay with the full article.
The modal library used for the overlay is called tingle
Based on Templated theme Typify
Based on Templated theme Typify
ich habe zwei libaries heraus genommen
https://code.jquery.com/jquery 3.3.1.slim.min.js
Transparent fixed top navbar - BUGGY BEHAVIOUR - TEST - Open-source, modular web software
Based on HTML5 UP theme Forty
< Fixed navbar BULMA CSS N CHSTES KONZERT BUTTON LAYOUT ANGEPASST Was noch fehlt: smoothscroll fehlt Anzeige was active ist fehlt ACTIVE Element soll sich ndern wenn ich scrolle auf Desktop es fehlt der CLOSE Button auf Mobil die Men h he soll kleiner werden wenn Sroll beginnt wenn scroll dann mache das MEn zu wenn ein ITEM button geklickt wird dann mache das Men zu >
A simple 404 error placeholder page based on a Pen by Marco Biedermann.
ich habe zwei libaries heraus genommen
https://code.jquery.com/jquery 3.3.1.slim.min.js
<a class stefano cta SwingButton >please contact us</a>.
Original Mod was:
https://anymod.com/mod/learn more button bamrnn preview true
Based on a Pen by Katherine Kato
<a class stefano cta SwingButton >please contact us</a>.
Original Mod was:
https://anymod.com/mod/learn more button bamrnn preview true
Based on a Pen by Katherine Kato
A large google map with custom pin placement and a caption. Use for showing off your spot on the map.
A large google map with custom pin placement and a caption. Use for showing off your spot on the map.
Swing up form - Open-source, modular web software
Body braucht f r ScrollSpy style position: relative; F r Mehr Info siehe CSS im HEAD DER SEITE UND die Infos in der Readme von : raddda https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/components/scrollspy/ >
aber im Body setze ich keinen dieser Drei Werte data offset 200 data spy scroll data target mainNav weil das wohl doppelt gemoppelt w re mit der JS Zeile hier in diesem MOD f r den BODY aus dem selben Grund fehlt die JS Zeile im NAV MOD
new EXTENDED Swing up contact-form with GDPR consent - Open-source, modular web software